In today’s globalised world, English has become the de facto language in business, academia, and even popular culture. As such, the decision for a Greek university to invest in English-language master’s programs in our opinion a no-brainer.
Download our eBook to learn more about the inter-departmental International Master’s Program in Host-Μicrobe Ιnteractions of the University of Thessaly’s.
This English-speaking program is designed for international postgraduates who want to study and conduct excellent research, in a truly international and multidisciplinary environment.
See why our Program is so popular amongst its students:
- Diversity: Our program aims to attract high-quality students and faculty members from around the world.
- International Partnerships: Our program will help establish collaborations with other universities and research institutions around the world, leading to joint research projects and academic exchanges.
- Societal Impact: Host-Microbe Interactions research has a big impact on public health, agriculture, and the environment and is a crucial aspect of One Health.
- Ground-breaking Innovation: Host-Microbe Interactions is now bearing the fruits of innovative efforts by microbiologists, immunologists, cell biologists, geneticists and ecologists. Hence, this field is both very unique and rapidly advancing – exciting times!
Learn also how our University’s Career Office and newly formed Office of Global Services will assist you by easing the transition into student life.
For more information on this program, email us at hosmic@uth.gr or call us at +30 24210 93156. Otherwise, please visit our department’s website for additional news.
Click here to download the Ebook.