The role of animal and plant microbiomes is associated with
interdisciplinary fundamental and applied scientific fields.
HosMic is implemented exclusively in English and for this it is
open to international students while its participating tutors are
well-established international researchers on organism
“Host – microbe interactions” is an MSc program exclusively specialized in symbiotic relations between micro and macro-organisms, but also between microorganisms. The role of animal and plant microbiomes is associated with interdisciplinary
fundamental and applied scientic elds.

Introduction to microbiomes
– Methodology
Prof. Dimitris Karpouzas
University of Thessaly,
for microbiomes
Asist. Prof. Sotirios Vasileiadis
University of Thessaly,
Plant Microbe
Prof. Kalliope Papadopoulou
University of Thessaly,
Prof. K. Kormas
University of Thessaly,
as hosts
Prof. Costas Ehaliotis
University of Thessaly,
Obligatory Msc Courses
Introduction to microbiomes – Methodology
Plant-microbe interactions
Animal-microbe interactions
Microorganisms as hosts
Bioinformatics for microbiomes
MSc Thesis
* Obligatory MSc courses, 3 weeks each with 13 3-hour lectures, face-to-face teaching and distance learning.
The courses will be performed in 3 week-days between 17:00-21:00.
* Course exams (Μ5).
* Research diploma Thesis (Μ5-Μ12).
* The MSc teaching language is English. The language of the MSc Thesis is English.

Potential students must hold a BSc degree from a university which is included in the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (Hellenic NARIC) list of recognised higher education institutions.
Visa Requirements for Non-EU applicants: If you are interested in applying to HOSMIC and you are not an EU citizen or visa holder, in order get enrolled, you need to apply for a “Long-term, National D type” visa. More informations here.

Class of 2022-3
PhD candidate
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, IT

Class of 2023-4
PhD candidate
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE
* The program will benefit by the tutoring of other members of the University of Thessaly

Κ. Ehaliotis
Agricultural University of Athens – Department of Agricultural Engineering and Exploitation of Natural Resources
The tuition fees are 3.600,00 € per student for each study cycle. According to Greek laws (Ν. 4485/2017, art. 35, par. 2), it is possible to exempt from the tuition fees, and at no more than 30% of the admitted students, students whose “individual income, in case they do earn income, and their family available equivalent income, do not exceed, the individual income the 100%, and the family income the 70% of the national median equivalent income, according to the most recent each year published statistics of the Greek Statistics Authority. This tuition fee exemption is provided only for a single MSc program”.
Moreover, according to the paragraph 3 of article 35 of Ν. 4485/2017, “the application for exception from tuition fees is submitted after the completion of the selection process of the students of the MSc program. The financial status is by no means a selection criterion for an MSc program. Students that receive a scholarship from another source, are not entitled a tuition fee exemption”.
The percentage of tuition fee exemptions is estimated to reach up to 30% of the total admitted students of every MSc programme cycle as dictated by the associated law Ν. 4485/2017.